Pomeranian Litter Box Training Tips You Should Consider

Pomeranian Litter Box Training Tips You Should Consider

Housebreaking a Pomeranian is not easy and some owners even admit that in extreme cases some owners have given up. But always remember that housebreaking a Pomeranian is not a simple task and it can even take months to get it right. In some cases owners will give up and use Pomeranian litter box training in what they consider to be only a temporary measure in their housebreaking. Be warned that as much as you may think it is temporary your Pomeranian may not look at it that way.

Before you even consider Pomeranian litter box training you may first want to keep giving traditional housebreaking methods one more try. Sometimes the toy breeds will hide under couches or get into areas you may not look and that may be causing housebreaking issues. Make sure you try absolutely everything before resorting to Pomeranian litter box training as your housebreaking method.

If you are completely convinced that Pomeranian litter box training is what you need to do then get a litter box and then place it in the place where the dog has been soiling the most. Fill the litter box with shredded newspaper or some other organic fill. Do not use regular litter because they may eat it and get sick. Be prepared to clean the litter box regularly and still take the dog outside from time to time to continue the housebreaking training.

You can get your dog on a set feeding schedule so that you know when it will be needing to use the litter box, or you can just take it to the litter box every 45 minutes or so, to let your dog know that it is to use the litter box after eating. If there are accidents then clean them up and do not punish the dog. The dog will only respond to positive reinforcement so praise and reward it when it uses the litter box and avoid punishment at all times.

As your dog shows signs of getting used to Pomeranian litter box training then you can slowly start to move the box towards the door you want it to use to go outside. Once you get the litter box to the door start taking the dog outside and eventually, hopefully, you can get rid of the litter box so that the dog knows that the door is now its way to the bathroom. Be patient as any housebreaking with a Pomeranian takes time.

Be warned that once you start Pomeranian litter box training you may be stuck with a dog that only uses a litter box. To many owners this is better than the alternative of a dog that wets the carpet and that is why many stick with it. If you do not mind the idea of a dog using the litter box full time then you should be fine but many dog owners do not like this concept and that is why Pomeranian litter box training can be a bad idea.

Cleaning Litter Box - Pomeranian Litter Box Training Tips You Should Consider

Litter Box Problems - Ten Possible Causes With Solutions

Litter Box Problems - Ten Possible Causes With Solutions

Litter box problems are common, exasperating and very stressful. There are lots of reasons why your kitty may suddenly decide to adopt your carpet, furniture, bath or clean laundry pile as his new latrine. This article goes through 10 of the most common causes of litter box problems, and suggests practical ways to solve them.

1. Urinary tract infection. If your kitty suddenly and inexplicably starts peeing away from his litter box (often in the bath or sink), he may have a urinary tract infection. Take him to the vet to either rule this out or get treatment for him.

2. Territory marking. Your cat may be spraying because another cat is peeing near your home. To stop this War of the Pees, you need to remove the cat urine smell from your garden and humanely discourage the other cat from peeing there again. Getting cats neutered / spayed will also help to reduce their urge to spray.

3. Kitty doesn't like his cat litter. Cats don't like litter that sticks in their paws. If the litter you've bought has rough, jagged lumps in it, change to a different one that's softer.

4. The litter box is too dirty. Cats don't like dirty bathrooms. Kitty's litter box should be scooped several times a day and completely cleaned out a couple of times a week.

5. The litter box is too smelly. Smells that we think are clean and hygienic are often totally revolting as far as Kitty is concerned. Make sure his litter box doesn't smell of bleach, pine or any other disinfectant.

6. The litter itself is too smelly. If you're using a perfumed cat litter, switch to an un-perfumed brand. Also, stop using any litter deodorizing products. You'll need to completely remove any residual smell of perfume or deodorizer from the litter box.

7. Kitty doesn't like the design of his box. Different cats prefer different litter boxes. Some prefer open boxes, others prefer the hooded variety. It's worth trying both types of box to discover Kitty's preferences.

8. The location of the box isn't right. Kitty won't be keen on doing his business in areas that are too close to his food, noisy, busy, inaccessible, hot or cold. His box should be in a quiet location where he can powder his nose in peace.

9. There aren't enough litter boxes in the house. In a multi-cat household, the usual rule is one more litter box than the number of cats. So a home with 4 cats will need 5 litter boxes. Also, if your house is big, make sure there's a litter box on every floor, even if you only have one cat. If Kitty has to go on a trekking expedition to get to his box, he may decide it's not worth the effort.

10. He's being disturbed. If another cat, or a dog, or kids are annoying Kitty when he's trying to use his litter box, he may re-locate somewhere quieter. If necessary, move his box to an area where he won't be disturbed.

Cleaning Litter Box - Litter Box Problems - Ten Possible Causes With Solutions

Why Do Cats Love Fresh Step Cat Litter?

Why Do Cats Love Fresh Step Cat Litter?

Fresh Step Cat Litter is a paw-activated odor control cat litter formula made of "Fresh Step Clay", which is activated on contact with your kitty's paws and begin a clumping action when soiled. This clumping action enables the waste cat litter to be easily scooped and disposed of, leaving the fresh litter in place. The end result is a happy cat and a clean and fresh smelling home.

Hands on Review
Upon opening the Fresh Step bucket for the first time, the immediate impression is that the cat litter smells extremely fresh and good. Since the majority of cat litters either have no smell or, at worst, a musty smell, this was a pleasant surprise. As I began to pour the fresh step into the litter box, the room began to fill with this extremely fresh, clean smell. So far so good. I'm extremely impressed at this point

Can this stuff really be that good?
The next thought that came to mind was performance. How would the cat take to the fresh smell of the new cat litter? Further, would the fresh scent wear away in a few days or keep going strong?

The proof is in the kitty poop!
I was excited in anticipation of checking the litter box the following day. As I entered the room where we keep the litter box, I took an exaggerated whiff and smelled...clean air. As I knelt down to scoop the litter, I could certainly tell that the cat had taken to the litter box, but still, there was zero hint of any scent of odor at all.

After a month's use, the Verdict is in
It's been a month now since we began using the fresh step cat litter and I must say, it gets a definite thumbs up. When we pour fresh litter into the litter box, the fresh smell fills the room. Then once its been activated a few times, the fresh scent is replaced by no smell, just clean air with no hint of odor. The way in which the fresh step absorbs the odors is near miraculous. Highly recommended.

Cleaning Litter Box - Why Do Cats Love Fresh Step Cat Litter?
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Why Extended Handle Cat Scoops Are Helpful

Why Extended Handle Cat Scoops Are Helpful

Cleaning out your cat's litter box is no small, or fun, task. I don't think that there is any sane person that enjoys or looks forward to cleaning out the cat box. Never the less, it is a task that needs to be done on a regular basis. There are a large variety of cat scoops that are available for pet owners to purchase. You can find metal, plastic, rubber and even vibrating cat scoops. There is, however, on in particular that seems to be of great use to certain cat owners, the long handle litter scoop. This type of cat scoop is helpful for two main reasons.

Many cat owners, for some reason or another, have trouble leaning or bending over to clean out the litter box. Keep in mind that this is no easy job and can take some time. If you have trouble either leaning over or kneeling for prolonged periods of time, a litter scoop with an extended handle can help you to do your job, without straining your self. This can make litter box cleaning a much easier task for pet owners with physical problems that won't allow them to get low to the ground.

Extended litter scoops don't necessarily have to be solely for people who can not kneel down. Maybe you don't want to be face to face with a smelly litter box. You may be able to bend down directly in front of the cat box, it's just that you simply would rather avoid it. This useful tool can help you clean out the box properly without getting close enough to get a nose full of that terrible odor.

In short, this type of cat scoop can be used by a number of people and can be a great help to you. If you are on the market for a new cat scoop, consider one with an extended handle.

Cleaning Litter Box - Why Extended Handle Cat Scoops Are Helpful

Cleaning Cat Urine

Cleaning Cat Urine

Cleaning cat urine has to be one of the most disliked chores. Not only
is it unpleasant, but it can be very difficult. You must use the right
technique and the right product.

Most household products don't clean cat urine effectively because
they don't have the necessary enzymes to neutralize the odor. Finding the
right product is key to cleaning cat urine.

You might be wondering: Once I find the right product, how do I use it
properly? Good question. Here are some tips and techniques for
cleaning cat urine:

- As mentioned previously, don't use just any household cleaning
product. You must use a product designed for cleaning cat urine. There
are several out there, so make sure you select the right one.

- Avoid products with ammonia. Ammonia smells very similar to cat
urine, which could confuse the cat. If the cat smells the urine--or
something similar--he's likely to urinate in the same place again.

- If the cat urinates on carpet, clean the area carefully! Your first
instinct might be to scrub the carpet, but you don't want to do that.
Scrubbing will only push the urine deeper into the carpet.

Instead, blot the urine gently with a paper towel. Depending on the
cleaning product you use, you might then need to soak the area. Make
sure you follow directions.

- If the cat urinates on hardwood floors, you must also clean the area
gently. Hardwood floors can be very absorbent.

Just like on carpet, blot the urine gently with a paper towel. Then rinse
the stain with warm water. Next, use a cat urine cleaning product to
neutralize the odor. Again, make sure you follow directions.

- Consider wearing rubber gloves. This isn't a necessity, but it can
make the process much less unpleasant. When you're finished cleaning
the cat urine, remember to rinse your gloves thoroughly.

- Prevent the cat from urinating outside of the litter box next time.
Keep the cat's litter box clean, and place it in a private area.
Like people, cats like cleanliness and privacy. If you have multiple cats, you
might need to purchase a separate litter box for each cat.

These techniques should get you started. Use the right product, and be
gentle. Wear rubber gloves, and encourage the cat to use the litter
box. With the right product and a bit more information, you'll be on
your way to effectively cleaning cat urine.

Cleaning Litter Box - Cleaning Cat Urine

How to Litter Train a Puppy - Step by Step Guide

How to Litter Train a Puppy - Step by Step Guide

Learning how to litter train a puppy can be helpful if you live in an apartment or condo in a larger city. Surprised? Litter training isn't just for cats anymore. It can also be useful anytime you want to make sure your puppy is not going on your carpets and hardwood floors. Here is a step by step guide to help you get your new puppy litter trained quickly.

1) Buy a shallow litter box and some kitty litter ~ Make sure that you pick out a litter box short enough for your puppy to climb in and out of. Get the kitty litter that clumps - it will help make clean up much easier!

2) Decide where to put the box ~ Think about where you want your litter box to go. Many people put it in the bathroom. This is because it is typically out of the way and won't be unsightly when guests come to your home.

3) Watch your puppy for signs ~ Every dog has their own specific signs that the will show you when it is time for them to go to the bathroom. Typically, most dogs will begin sniffing at the ground while walking. It may take an accident or two for you to see what your particular dog's signals are.

4) Pick up the pup and get them to the litter box! ~ If you notice your pup giving you their signal, stop everything...grab your pup and run them to the litter box. Place them inside and allow them to go to the bathroom. You will have PLENTY of false alarms until you get the hang of it.

5) Be Consistent and Patient ~ Your puppy is going to have accidents. You must have patience and be consistent as to how you train them. If you yell at them, you will only have a more difficult time getting them to use the litter box as they will think that is somewhere bad.

Once they are litter trained, it will be time to get them potty trained outside.

Cleaning Litter Box - How to Litter Train a Puppy - Step by Step Guide
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CatGenie 120 Self-Cleaning Automated Litter Box Complete Kit, Scent Free

Great Deals For PetNovations On Black Friday! At Cheap Price And Best Promotion. Or You Can Read Review And See Comparison Price List To Decision Before Get Cheapest For PetNovations And Making The Great Purchase It On Black Friday! In This Store. Congratulations To You!! Because Now! CatGenie 120 Self-Cleaning Automated Litter Box Complete Kit, Scent Free In This Store Is On Sale Of Black Friday!! It So Discount To 30% For The Lowest Price And Cheapest But Good Quality 100% Amazon Guaranteed. And Very Important!, This Store So Help You To Save Money Every Way, Because This Store Is Amazon Primary Partner Store. Qualified Orders Over 25$ Free Shipping! In 2 Days. Good luck For Purchase In This Store.

Review - Best Buy CatGenie 120 Self-Cleaning Automated Litter Box Complete Kit, Scent Free On Sale And Discount Price!

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Oct 07, 2011 14:02:16
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

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Review - CatGenie 120 Self-Cleaning Automated Litter Box Complete Kit, Scent Free
  • Self-cleaning, automated litter box has no litter to scoop, touch or change
  • Litter system automatically washes, sanitizes and dries box to leave it dust, odor, and germ free
  • System connects to water line in bathroom or laundry room and is powered by an AC outlet
  • Kit includes CatGenie Genie Dome (with SideWalls), washable granules and scent free SaniSolution

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Self-Cleaning Cat Litter Box - Litter-Robot I VS Litter-Robot II

Self-Cleaning Cat Litter Box - Litter-Robot I VS Litter-Robot II

One of the best automatic cat litter boxes available today is the Litter-Robot.  The Litter-Robot consists of a removable globe that sits atop a base containing a large waste drawer.  The globe contains a heavy duty rubber coated screen for sifting litter.  Seven minutes after the cat leaves the Litter-Robot, the globe begins to rotate.  The litter is sifted by the screen.  Clumps are separated and dropped into the waste drawer through a trap door.

Litter-Robot has many advantages.  First, the globe shape minimizes the cat's ability to kick litter out.  Second, it requires no special receptacles or bags.  Any type of bag may be used in the waste drawer.  Bags are held by rubber grips.  Third, any type of clumping cat litter can be used.  Other brands, such as Littermaid or ScoopFree use a rake to sift the litter.  The rake has a tendency to become clogged.  It has been reported by users that more expensive brands of cat litter will improve the performance of rake-style automatic and self-cleaning cat litter boxes.  On the other hand, Litter-Robot can use the least expensive brand of cat litter, which saves money in the long run.

Additional advantages of the Litter-Robot include a 60 day money back guarantee, an 18 month warranty and it is very easy to maintain.  The removable globe just lifts off the base.  It has no electronics in it, so if it needs to be cleaned, it is very easy to do.  First the remaining litter is emptied into the drawer by pressing the "Empty" button.  Then the globe can be lifted off and hosed down with a garden hose.  A scent-free mild soap and deodorizer can be used, if desired.  Scent-free products should be used so unusual smells will not deter the cat from using the Litter-Robot.  Similarly, the drawer contains no electronics and can be cleaned in the same manner as the globe.

The currently available Litter-Robot is Litter-Robot II.  The original Litter-Robot has been discontinued by the manufacturer.  Although occasionally it can be found on eBay.  The original Litter-Robot (let's just call it Litter-Robot I), had a few differences than the new Litter-Robot II.  First, Litter-Robot I had a smaller waste drawer.  In addition, its motor was much louder.  Third, it did not have any odor control features. 

Litter-Robot II has a much larger waste drawer than Litter-Robot I.  The motor is also much quieter.  Recently, Litter-Robot II was improved further with odor control features.  There is a soft breathable ring between the base and the globe to trap odors in the drawer.  The drawer has an odor-neutralizing carbon filter that destroys the odor as it escapes through the drawer's ventilation holes.  Since many of the early Litter-Robot II's do not have odor control, the manufacturer sells an upgrade kit so users may add it themselves.  In addition, the manufacturer sells replacement carbon filters.

Overall, Litter-Robot II has improved dramatically vs. Litter-Robot I.  The odor control features work extremely well. The larger sized waste drawer makes travel very convenient.  With an automatic pet feeder, a pet waterer and the Litter-Robot, it's very easy to justify firing the pet sitter.  If you travel a lot, these products pay for themselves.

Gail Jones is a staff writer and expert in home automation products. She works for Paradise Robotics, a Chicago Area company that specializes in products that make life better. Gail may be reached at "info@paradiserobotics.com".

Cleaning Litter Box - Self-Cleaning Cat Litter Box - Litter-Robot I VS Litter-Robot II

Cat Litter Box Odors: You've Been Lied To About How To Manage Cat Box Odors

Cat Litter Box Odors: You've Been Lied To About How To Manage Cat Box Odors

Why A Simple Cat Litter Box Is The Best Way To Control Odors

When it comes to cat box odors, cat lovers have fought the good fight to reduce and eliminate odors from the environment they both share. Cats are loveable, adoring and sweet; however, their litter boxes are not. With a dog, you can take them out for a walk, and pick up the mess when they've done their business. With cats, it's a different story. Many things have been tried and died under the onslaught of cat waste disposal. As a result, you are probably laboring under the misconception that controlling cat box odors is hard.

Clumping Litter Helps But It Is Still Very Hard

With the introduction of "clumping" cat litter, it has gone a long way towards reducing the smell and mess of the litter box. God knows, when the only option was clay litter, it was no scoop, wait until you couldn't stand it any longer, throw the whole thing out in a bag and start over. Clumping litter took cat boxes to the next level. This is has helped, but it still has left the misconception that having a nice smelling house without cat box odor takes either really expensive cat box contraptions or a personal servant to scoop continuously.

Have You Spent Hundreds Trying To Control The Smell?

Many folks have spent hundreds of dollars buying automatic cat pans that did the scooping for them. As well, there's a system that lets your cat go to the bathroom in the toilet. It seems complicated and costly. As well, while I love my cats dearly, I don't think I'd want to share my throne with them.

Stop Believing The Lies - Simplicity Is Still The Best

With that said, I turn your attention to the simple bend and scoop method. While it's not the best, it does get the job done. It also doesn't cost a fortune, and doesn't jam and burn out like the electric models eventually do - and they all do jam at one point or another. I went through three automatic models before I gave up on that idea, and went back to the scoop and go method.

Listen, I'm getting older so I was looking around for an upgrade on the scoop by hand model. I didn't want the electric pans, because I know they burn out. The last one I bought didn't even have enough "ummphf" to move the cat litter so I wound up helping and scooping thus defeating the 0+ price tag.

A Super Simple Upgrade To The Simple Method That Works!

I happened across another cat pan that calls itself "automatic", but doesn't use any kind of electrical sweeping motion. In fact, it doesn't sweep at all. Called the Best Cat Litter Box in the World, it solved my problem immediately, and I've been happy with it ever since. It fits all the criteria for a cat box that controls odors continuously without a high price, easy to put together and understand, and it is super easy to use.

Cleaning Litter Box - Cat Litter Box Odors: You've Been Lied To About How To Manage Cat Box Odors

CatGenie 120 Self-Cleaning Automated Litter Box Accessory Kit, Fresh Scent

Save More Than Everywhere For PetNovations On Black Friday! At Save Price And Value Promotion. Or You Can Read Review And See Comparison Price List To Decision Before Get Cheapest For PetNovations And Making The Great Purchase It On Black Friday! At This Store. You Are Coming The Right Way!! Because Now! CatGenie 120 Self-Cleaning Automated Litter Box Accessory Kit, Fresh Scent In This Store Is On Discount For Black Friday!! It So Discount To 40% For The Lowest Price And Cheapest But Good Quality 100% Amazon Guaranteed. And Very Important!, This Store Can Help You To Save Money Every Way, Because This Store Is Amazon Primary Partner Store. Qualified Orders Over 25$ Free Shipping! In 2 Days. Good luck For Purchase In This Store.

Review - Best Buy CatGenie 120 Self-Cleaning Automated Litter Box Accessory Kit, Fresh Scent On Sale And Discount Price!

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Oct 04, 2011 06:10:30
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

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Review - CatGenie 120 Self-Cleaning Automated Litter Box Accessory Kit, Fresh Scent
  • Required accessories for the CatGenie 120 Self-Cleaning Automated Litter Box
  • Kit includes CatGenie Genie Dome (with SideWalls), washable granules and fresh scent SaniSolution

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LitterMaid Receptacles, 18 Filter Pack

Get The Best Buy For LitterMaid LMR300 On Black Friday! At Best Price And Value Promotion. Or You Can Read Review And See Compare Price List To Decision Before Get The Best Price For LitterMaid LMR300 And Making The Great Purchase It On Black Friday! At This Site. You Are Coming The Right Way!! Because Now! LitterMaid Receptacles, 18 Filter Pack In This Store Is On Discount For Black Friday!! It So Discount To 50% For The Lowest Price And Cheapest But Good Quality 100% Amazon Guaranteed. And Very Important!, This Store Is Useful You To Save Money Every Way, Because This Store Is Amazon Primary Partner Store. Qualified Orders Over 25$ Free Shipping! In 2 Days. Good luck For Purchase In This Store.

LitterMaid LMR300
Review - Best Buy LitterMaid Receptacles, 18 Filter Pack On Sale And Discount Price!

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Oct 03, 2011 04:59:13
Usually ships in 24 hours

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Review - LitterMaid Receptacles, 18 Filter Pack
  • 18 Receptacles
  • Fits Littermaid Litter Boxes
  • Cover locks onto base
  • Eliminates most odors
  • Convenient to install

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Should a Cat Litter Box Be Used in Litter Box Training?

Should a Cat Litter Box Be Used in Litter Box Training?

One reason people love living with cats is because they have a natural instinct to use the litter box. When it comes to litter box training, the process is pretty simple.

When you bring your new cat home, show him where the litter box is. Pick him up and place him in it. He may sniff around and scratch a little, or he may use the box right away. Once he knows where the litter box is, do not move it. If you do, you will confuse him and he could have an accident. If you must move it, show your cat where you have put it. Do not expect him to find it on his own.

When setting up the litter box, choose a quiet location that does not get a lot of household traffic or noise. A good place to keep it is in a spare bedroom or bathroom. Make sure that the door to the room is always open so your cat can use it at all times. Do not place it near his food or water dishes. Cats do not like to soil near where they eat. Instruct family members especially children to leave your cat alone when he is using the litter box.

Clean the litter box every day even if you use clumping litter. One of the most common reasons that cats develop litter box problems is because the box is not clean. Some will stop using it if you change brands or types of litter. To avoid this, try to buy the same litter your cat was using before he moved in with you. If you must change brands or types, gradually mix a blend of the old and new litter until he becomes accustomed to the new brand.

If you have more than one cat, each should have his own litter box. Cats are territorial and do not like to share. Keep the boxes in separate rooms or far enough apart so that each cat has a sense of privacy.

Cleaning Litter Box - Should a Cat Litter Box Be Used in Litter Box Training?

Litter Training a Kitten - Clay Cat Litter Vs Crystal Cat Litter Vs Clumping Cat Litter

Litter Training a Kitten - Clay Cat Litter Vs Crystal Cat Litter Vs Clumping Cat Litter

Litter training your kittens is an important responsibility as a cat owner. If you also own the mother cat, and she is litter trained, then your job is much easier. She will teach her kittens how to use the litter box. All you need to do is provide more litter boxes for the growing kittens and scoop up the litter everyday.

Originally, people used sand when litter training a kitten. Sand is easily available, helps to absorb the cat urine and makes handling cat poop much easier. It is still used by some cat owners. Unfortunately, cats often track sand all over the house.

For this reason, clay cat litter is more popular. Clay cat litter is more absorbent than sand, and has a larger grain, so your cats are less likely to track it around the house. Compared to sand, it is also works better to get rid of cat urine smell. Some cat owners use clay-based oil absorbent, which is cheaper and works just as well. Clay-based oil absorbent is actually similar to clay cat litter - except that it is made for industrial use. Both of them make use of granulated Fuller's earth for its strong absorbent properties.

The next major advancement in cat litter was the invention of clumping cat litter. As its name suggests, it clumps together when your cat pees on it. As it forms a solid mass separate from the other litter in the box, it is much easier for you to scoop up without having to change all the litter in the box. While clumping litter is great for your adult cats, some cat lovers have expressed concern in using it when litter training a kitten. There is some worry that the kitten will eat the litter and be harmed when it swells inside the stomach. There is no scientific evidence at the moment, but as cat lovers it is better to be safe than sorry.

Crystal cat litter is the latest scientific advancement in cat litter technology. It uses silica gel, which absorbs cat urine even better than clumping cat litter. It lasts so much longer than any other litter - you just need to stir it after you scoop the cat poop to prevent cat urine from pooling in the litter box. One problem with crystal cat litter is that there is no warning when it becomes saturated. The next time your kitten uses the litter box, it could leave a puddle behind. Crystal litter is also lighter than clay cat litter and clumping litter - your kitten might track the silica gel around your house. As cat lovers, there is another concern - we can also find silica gel in our pill bottles, where they are labeled "Do Not Eat". Is it safe for litter training a kitten, especially since even adult cats are very sensitive to poisons.

For cat owners who want to be more environmentally friendly, you can also try biodegradable cat litter. This is usually made from material which naturally decomposes, including wood pellets, recycled newspapers and sawdust. Some brands of biodegradable cat litter can actually be safely flushed down the toilet, unlike normal cat litter. Unfortunately, like many other things which are environmentally friendly, biodegradable litter is also more expensive than the normal kind.

As you can see, you are spoiled for choice when litter training a kitten. You can use clay cat litter, clumping cat litter, crystal cat litter or even biodegradable cat litter. For kittens, clay is probably the best and safest choice.

Cleaning Litter Box - Litter Training a Kitten - Clay Cat Litter Vs Crystal Cat Litter Vs Clumping Cat Litter

Tips To Solve the Cat Litter Box Problem

Tips To Solve the Cat Litter Box Problem

If your cat is not using its litter box, it is a very normal experience and almost every cat owner encounters it once in a while. When you have to undergo the unpleasant act of cleaning its pee from outside the box, you really dread and wonder as how to set things right. You will surly not like to face this situation.

You must remember that there are some reasons why this can happen. As for example, your cat may pee outside owing to some medical issue. Another reason can be that you did not train your cat properly as how to use the litter box or it can also be caused if there is some issue with the tray. Your cat may also not use the litter box if it has encountered some bad experience while using it. Emotional or physical stress can also lead to this situation. If you have changed your house recently, your cat may not be familiar with the new place and pee around instead of the litter box. Some older cats also tend not to use the litter box owing to weakness or laziness.

Here are some tips that can help you in this situation:

If you notice change in the toilet habits of your cat, you must take it to the vet since the issue can be pertaining to its health. The possible medical reasons for your cat can be an infection in the urinary track, illnesses like blocked anal glands, worms and parasites, diabetes and tumors. These reasons may be troubling your cat and forcing it to act this way.

Another thing that you need to do is to check out the tray. You must make sure you clean it frequently, at least once or twice a day. Replace the litter and wash the box with warm water and some detergent. In case if you own more than one cat, make sure there is a litter tray for each one of them.

You can also place multiple litter boxes for the convenience of your cat. In case if your cat pees outside the box, you can discourage it by your reaction or place it inside the box repeatedly to teach it the right way.

Cleaning Litter Box - Tips To Solve the Cat Litter Box Problem