A Clean and Disinfected Litter Box! Ha Hoo!

A Clean and Disinfected Litter Box! Ha Hoo!

A clean and disinfected litter box is a must for every cat owner with an indoor cat. A dirty litter box is not only going to fill the air with a strong, ammonia, urine smell, but it is an open door for the spread of germs. Your cat goes to do its business in a dirty litter box, and then goes to your bed, your furniture, you carpet, and everything else it touches, with germ ridden paws. And yes, you may get used to the smell, but I assure when visitors come, they will talk it to their after they leave.

How often you want to change the litter, clean and disinfect is a personal choice, but I would suggest you do it everyday, if not for yourself, then for your feline. Cats are very clean animals, and I assure you they would prefer a nice fresh and sanitary litter box to a dirty one.

Research has found that cats prefer small grained litter as opposed to large. It is not necessary to put a huge amount of litter in the box; most cats are more comfortable with two inches or less. Don"t make the mistake of thinking because you put a lot of litter in the box you will not have to clean it as often, because that just isn't true. It only takes a short amount of time for the urine in the box to start smelling up the house.

Every time you change your cat's litter box you need to give the box a good scrubbing as well introducing a good cleaner and disinfectant. You can use mild detergent liquids, or one of the many ideas you will find on the web to keep it smelling fresh and clean. Baking soda is good for keeping the smell down but there are many other options. Some people swear by the activated charcoal that you can purchase in the pet stores. One thing you want to be careful of is the health of your cat. Don't introduce anything new to disinfect the box until you have checked to make sure it can in no way be harmful to your pet. Many people don't know it, but Lysol can be poisonous to your cat if he/she ingests it. Whichever you decide to use, make sure the box is clean before you apply it, and don't forget, a clean and disinfected litter box is healthier for both you and your cat.

Cleaning Litter Box - A Clean and Disinfected Litter Box! Ha Hoo!
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